AEG podcast, Ep.13 – Jay Martin – Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Canadian Media

AEG podcast, Ep.13 – Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Canadian Media In this AEG podcast episode, Jay Martin talks about how media has changed in our lifetime and how it has been advantageous for media creators due to the diminished barriers to entry. This has allowed independent journalists to have a shot at getting their […]

AEG Podcast, Ep.12 – Arash Mahin – Aero HygenX and the Evolution of Disinfection

AEG podcast, Ep.12 - Aero HygenX and the Evolution of Disinfection

AEG podcast, Ep.12 – Aero HygenX and the Evolution of Disinfection Arash Mahin, the co-founder of Aero HygenX, explains that his company provides a sustainable method of disinfection that moves away from traditional chemical methods, which they believe need to evolve. The company utilizes a proven technology, UV-C Technology, that has broad applications beyond what […]

AEG Podcast, Ep. 11 – Inside Education: Inspiring the Future of Energy and Environmental Stewardship

In this podcast episode, AEG interviews Steve MacIsaac from Inside Education, an education support organization in Alberta that provides teachers with tools and resources to inspire their students in the fields of energy, natural resources, and the environment. MacIsaac talks about the organization’s tagline “supporting teachers, inspiring students” and how they work to engage young people in solutions and innovations in the industry. He also shares his observations on the changing engagement of young students over the years, as well as the recent Provincial Youth Summit they held, where high school students were given opportunities to deep dive into issues related to energy, climate, and water, and to develop education and action plans to share with their peers in their communities. The episode ends with MacIsaac’s advice to young energy leaders on how to be engaged and inspired in the future of energy and environmental stewardship.

AEG Podcast, Ep. 10: The Alberta International Air Show: More Than Just an Air Show

In this episode of AEG’s podcast, host Catherine Brownlee welcomes Richard Skermer, a representative of the Alberta International Air Show, to discuss the event’s mission and goals. Richard explains that the air show is not just a typical barnstormer event, but rather a conference and networking center for the aerospace industry with a rodeo as a backdrop. He emphasizes the importance of attracting human capital to the region for economic diversification and the need to showcase Alberta as a dynamic and forward-thinking destination. Richard also discusses the STEAM initiative and the importance of incorporating arts into STEM education. He explains that the success of the air show is measured in metrics and aligning with corporate and government objectives, making it an investment opportunity for sponsors rather than just a weekend event. The air show is set to take place on an August long weekend this year.

AEG Podcast, Ep. 9: Rethinking Retirement: Embracing a Multi-Generational Workforce

Colleen, the founder of Experience Group, shares her journey of becoming a retirement coach after struggling to find work due to ageism. Her organization helps individuals and companies manage their aging workforce and prepare for retirement beyond just financial planning. Colleen argues that the concept of retirement needs to be revamped, as people are living longer and healthier lives, and the workforce is becoming more age-diverse. She encourages companies to examine their recruiting and retirement processes, creates innovative ways to retire people while maintaining their knowledge and wisdom, and embrace the benefits of a multi-generational workforce. Colleen also highlights the dark side of retirement, including a lack of purpose and rhythm, which can lead to disappointment and uninspired retirees.

AEG Podcast, Episode 8: Expanding Beyond Occupational Health and Safety: SIS Foundation’s Vision for Mental Health and Energy Literacy

In this podcast episode, AEG interviews Kim from Swift Learning and the SIS Foundation. Kim talks about how the Alberta government’s legislation prompted the establishment of the SIS Foundation in 2011 to provide occupational health and safety training to students. They discuss the Foundation’s current initiatives, such as expanding into mental health and well-being and energy literacy programs, and its partnerships with subject matter experts, government organizations, and industry. Kim also shares her vision of using the SAAS and Sahara technology to expand the Foundation’s e-learning programs and engage young ambassadors to promote workplace safety and education. The podcast offers insights into the Foundation’s future initiatives and its potential to become an online charter school or partner with other organizations to benefit the community at large.

AEG Podcast, Episode 7: Exploring the Move from Quebec to Alberta and the Vision for Canada’s Energy

In this podcast, the host interviews special guest Michel Kelly Gagnon, who is moving from Quebec to Alberta due to his love for the province and its people, as well as a career opportunity with his organization, M.E.I. The conversation touches on topics such as the purpose of M.E.I., their work in energy policies in Canada, and the Quebec-Alberta dialogue. Gagnon shares his vision for Alberta, seeing it as a beacon of Canada in the next 15-20 years. The interview ends with gratitude and thanks from both the host and Gagnon. Psychological techniques used in the podcast include evoking emotions such as love, gratitude, and a shared vision for a better Canada.

AEG Podcast, Episode 6: Energy Literacy and the Challenges of the 21st Century

In this AEG Podcast between Catherine and Brad Hayes about energy and energy transition. Brad explains that most Canadians are not energy literate as energy has always been available to them, and people only become more informed when there is a shortage of energy. However, due to recent energy shortages in European countries, people are becoming more aware of the complexities of energy. Brad emphasizes that providing adequate energy should be the top priority as nothing can be achieved without adequate and affordable energy. Government policies should ensure adequate energy supply at the top of the list, with environmental protection coming in second. Brad believes that the term energy transition is a loaded term, and the sensible approach is to transform our energy delivery system from a certain mix to a different mix in the future. Brad also suggests various sources to obtain factual information on energy, and Catherine adds that we should always question what we are being told.

AEG Podcast, Episode 5: Empowering Alberta’s Youth: The Ten Peaks Innovation Alliance’s Story

The AEG podcast features an interview with Dagmar Knutson, the founder of 10 Peaks Innovation Alliances. Dagmar’s non-profit organization aims to educate Alberta’s youth on technology, innovation, inclusivity, energy, environment, and career opportunities. The organization’s inspiration came from her son’s lack of knowledge about the energy industry in Alberta. Dagmar describes the organization’s events, such as an annual student conference, case competitions, micro-grants, entrepreneurship camps, and innovation webinars. 10 Peaks is currently partnering with the University of Calgary’s Hunter Center for entrepreneurship, and it is seeking additional partnerships for financial stability. The organization strives to provide balanced conversations about sustainability and energy transition to inspire and engage students in the fast-changing world of technology and innovation.

The AEG podcast, Episode 4: Scaling Up Innovation in Alberta: Navigating Barriers and Sharing Lessons with the World

This podcast discusses the work of ERA, an organization in Alberta that invests in technology and innovation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and grow the economy. Justin mentions the benefits of their investments and highlights some of their funded projects, such as the hydrogen train and hydrogen semi-trucks. He also mentions the challenges of scaling up technology, including the lack of risk-taking capital and the importance of having a good business model and company management acumen. Justin emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences, both successes and failures, and mentions the efforts in environmental sustainability being made in Alberta. He also mentions the difficulty of finding help for innovators but encourages them to persevere and seek help from various sources.