AEG Holiday Party: Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta & Red Tape Reduction and Catherine Swift, President of The Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers & Businesses of Canada

AEG Holiday Party – Edmonton – Chateau Lacombe Hotel

Thursday, December 7th – AEG Holiday Party – Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta & Red Tape Reduction presents: “Updates on Red Tape Reduction” and Catherine Swift presents: “Why Eastern Canada Needs to Smarten Up and Support the West”

Member Spotlight: Mark Norris, Total Modular

Mark Norris, Total Modular

Mark has owned and operated many businesses in the Edmonton area throughout his career, mainly in construction and advertising. In the early 2000s Mark was the Minister of Economic Development & Tourism during the 2001 Ralph Klien government. Currently Mark owns and operates Total Modular, a modular manufacturing company located in South-East Edmonton.

Improving Edmonton’s Recreation Opportunities

Summer has passed, the leaves have changed and winter is just around the corner. Canadians always greet this news with trepidation, and understandably so.
Acceptance, however, follows the initial shock to the system and requisite acclimatization and we marvel at the season’s unique beauty and partake in its many recreational activities.

Podcasters beware! You may have “unacceptable views.”

After the darkness of 2020, it was tempting to just throw up your hands and focus on getting through the next day with a look forward to some unexpected new tax, or a new social bylaw. In other words, go to work, head down, and do not even consider making any fun comments around the water cooler. Who knows where that will end up? Avoid compliments to a co-worker that
may be misunderstood. The list goes on. In other words, have an opinion on nothing. Some people may view it as an
‘unacceptable opinion.’ Think convoys, parents and schools.

Member Spotlight: Cody Cuthill, NormTek Radiation Ltd.

Cody Cuthill, NormTek Radiation Services Ltd.

I am an entrepreneur, innovator, and creative thinker with a passion for solving complex problems in the global energy industry. With a strong track record of success, I have a proven ability to start businesses, lead high-performance teams, and execute creative business strategies that create value for customers and stakeholders.

Member Spotlight: Shondell Sabad, Prairie Vertical Farms

Shondell Sabad, Prairie Vertical Farms

Shondell Sabad is a dynamic and visionary leader with a proven track record in the fields of finance, energy, trading, and business development. Currently, as the President and CEO of Rainforest Energy, a forward-thinking clean energy company based in Calgary, Shondell is driving innovation and sustainability in the energy sector.

Member Spotlight: Reeve Bob Marshall

Reeve Bob Marshall, County of Grand Prairie

Elected as Reeve of the County of Grande Prairie in 2022, Bob Marshall was educated as an Electronic Engineering Technologist specializing in Biomedical Electronics. The bulk of his career was spent at the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Mill in various roles spanning more than 23 years before being elected to County Council in 2013.