AEG strongly opposes Bill C-372, the Fossil Fuel Advertising Act, tabled in Parliament by NDP Member of Parliament from Timmins-James Bay, Mr. Charlie Angus. The Bill proposes to prohibit the advertisement of Canadian oil, gas, and coal. Advertising in the Bill is loosely and broadly defined to include any demonstration of the positive aspects of using oil and gas even if it is verifiable fact, such as the positive economic contribution to Canada’s economy and benefits towards Indigenous reconciliation. Penalties for violation of the Bill include fines upwards of $1.5 million or jail time.
The Alberta Enterprise Group (AEG) appreciates the opportunity to offer comments and feedback on the Regulatory Framework for and Oil and Gas Sector Greenhouse Gas Emission Cap. Our members believe
this framework is not fair, equitable, nor is it in the national interest; it should not be implemented.
Rainforest Energy, an AEG member, is a Calgary-based biofuels company whose mission, Empowering Humanity through Clean Energy Innovation, reflects their dedication to pioneering sustainable fuel solutions in Alberta.
The race to a low-carbon future is on. Those who can adapt and meet the world’s growing energy needs while decreasing emissions will be assured of a secure economic future.