Should Canada Emulate the UK’s Net-Zero Pathway?

I am picking up some chatter within certain circles in Alberta and Canada that the UK’s net-zero framework is a plan to emulate. This position is ostensibly informed by an invitation-only whirlwind tour of handpicked UK net-zero projects and initiatives attended by a group of Canadians. My fellow Canadians were duly impressed by what they were shown and came away, after a few days, with the idea that the people and industries are united in a “Team UK” approach. There were several key “takeaways” from the tour but the top three included: an aggressive net-zero timeline that “everybody appears to be on board with”; the UK has a new type of increased decarbonized industrial production guided and driven by government industrial planning; and a serious concern with energy security.

The Alberta Enterprise Group (AEG) Response to the Passing of Bill C-235

Bill C-235 Prairie

In the autumn of 2022, on your behalf, AEG opposed federal bill C-235 “An Act respecting the building of a green economy in the Prairies”. AEG stood up for Alberta’s businesses by arguing that not only was the bill undermining areas of provincial jurisdiction but also that it was likely the bill would add to rather than alleviate the regulatory burden or costs of compliance of the numerous federal green regulations and programmes already being implemented in the Prairies.

Open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland:

Capital Gains Tax

Each day, Canadians invest in the future of Canada, betting on our potential for growth and prosperity for all. We dedicate our time, our creativity, and our money, believing that the ultimate investment is in the growth of our country and the futures of our young people.

AEG Calgary Event: Members and Non-Members with Nathan Neudorf, Minister of Affordability and Utilities & Hon. Sonya Savage, former Minister of Energy, Environment and Protected Areas

Neudorf and Sonya Savage

Nathan Neudorf was sworn in as Minister of Affordability and Utilities and Vice Chair of Treasury Board on June 9, 2023. He previously served as Deputy Premier and Minister of Infrastructure.

Sonya Savage is Senior Counsel at Borden Ladner Gervais (BLG). She also sits on the Board of Directors for E3 Lithium Ltd and Reconciliation Energy Transition Inc, as well as Navigator’s Expert Panel on the Purpose of the Corporation.

Member Spotlight: Danielle Neufeld, Ruth’s Chris

Danielle Neufeld, Ruth's Chris

Danielle Neufeld brings two decades of restaurant experience to her roles as General Manager of Ruth’s Chris Steak House in Calgary and Operations Manager of Gather Catering Ltd.

Starting as a busser and dishwasher at age 14, her journey includes her becoming a certified sommelier in 2014, and receiving her Diploma in Wine in 2015. Notably, she achieved a top 3 spot in the Calgary’s Young Sommelier competition in 2019.

Member Spotlight: Krista Rabidoux, Andersen Tax LLP

Krista Rabidoux, Andersen Tax LLP

Krista Rabidoux is a Partner who works out of our Calgary and Edmonton offices. She has over 20 years of experience providing U.S., Canadian, and cross-border tax planning advice and compliance services to her clients. Krista works with businesses, individuals, and trusts to manage filing requirements in the U.S. and Canada.

A Rocky Road with Too Many Potholes

A Rocky Road to Too Many Potholes

The poor state of Canadian infrastructure should be a cause of concern to all levels of government. However, as provincial governments across the country are stepping up to make key infrastructure investments, Ottawa signals that they will continue to inconvenience Canadians on their path to a “better future.”

Controlled Environment Agriculture

Catherine Brownlee - Controlled Environment Agriculture

To thrive, the vertical farming sector must address broader market needs by expanding beyond microgreens and leafy greens to include a wider variety of produce. This diversification, along with managing unit costs, ensuring power reliability and affordability and developing a skilled workforce, are crucial for meeting retailer and consumer demands.