Green Line – to Where? Big Mistake – or Not?

Business in Calgary

The Green Line vision – by its name tied to ‘Climate Change’ – was conceptualized in 2016 with lots of justification and talk about Calgary expanding by hundreds of thousands of people, and how this new line transporting people to all life’s events would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and road congestion.

Electric Vehicles: Can the Grid Bear the Load?

Electric Vehicles: Can the Grid Bear the Load?

The current federal government decree is for all new passenger vehicles to have net-zero emissions by 2035 – that’s only 11 years away. Rather than liquid or gaseous fuel, electric vehicles (EVs) run on electricity and must get that electricity from somewhere.

AMTA’s Training and Tech Campus Will Drive Alberta Forward

AMTA’s Training and Tech Campus Will Drive Alberta Forward

The precarity of our supply chains was one of the unsettling realities revealed by the pandemic. All it took was a strain on a single link to cause shortages throughout the system. In some cases, it was an annoying inconvenience. In other cases, it was much more serious, including shortages of baby formula, computer chips and the contrast dye used for X-rays, ultrasounds, CT and MRI scans. 

A Rocky Road with Too Many Potholes

A Rocky Road to Too Many Potholes

The poor state of Canadian infrastructure should be a cause of concern to all levels of government. However, as provincial governments across the country are stepping up to make key infrastructure investments, Ottawa signals that they will continue to inconvenience Canadians on their path to a “better future.”

Controlled Environment Agriculture

Catherine Brownlee - Controlled Environment Agriculture

To thrive, the vertical farming sector must address broader market needs by expanding beyond microgreens and leafy greens to include a wider variety of produce. This diversification, along with managing unit costs, ensuring power reliability and affordability and developing a skilled workforce, are crucial for meeting retailer and consumer demands.

Can the Truth Survive AI?

Shane Wenzel - Can the Truth Survive AI?

It appears this technology is on its way to both being a ‘gift’ and a ‘curse’. Some have changed and greatly improved aspects of our lives while others have been accused of threats to our civil rights, economy and democracy. AI has moved from an academic theory to quickly becoming a reality – think, facial recognition, self-driving vehicles, smart homes, interpreting medical tests, online shopping and cybersecurity to name just a few.