The Alberta Enterprise Group (AEG) is excited to announce its first trade mission to Texas in partnership with the Canadian Blockchain Consortium (CBC). The AEG is a non-profit, business advocacy organization representing the interests of Alberta-based enterprises in the province and across Canada. Our goal is to help our members grow their businesses, create jobs and wealth, and improve the quality of life for all Albertans.

Thanks to the Government of Alberta and the Canadian Blockchain Consortium for another great day with our trade mission to, Texas! It was so great to attend a presentation put in by Bit Deer today and, a Gala hosted by ATX DAO and Texas Blockchain Council.

Members of the AEG Texas Trade Mission had the opportunity to tour the State Capitol and meet with John B. Scott, Secretary of State. The group was able to learn about the history and operations of the Capitol, as well as hear about the initiatives that Secretary Scott is working on. This was a valuable experience for the members of the group, who were able to see firsthand how state government works.

Enjoyed a lovely dinner at the iconic Perry’s Steak house in Austin. The Minister of Red Tape Reduction was able to join us and share a few words about why Alberta is open for business.

AEG members checking out the Nasa space centre in Houston, with Minister Dale Nally!