After the darkness of 2020, it was tempting to just throw up your hands and focus on getting through the next day with a look forward to some unexpected new tax, or a new social bylaw. In other words, go to work, head down, and do not even consider making any fun comments around the water cooler. Who knows where that will end up? Avoid compliments to a co-worker that
may be misunderstood. The list goes on. In other words, have an opinion on nothing. Some people may view it as an
‘unacceptable opinion.’ Think convoys, parents and schools.
The race to a low-carbon future is on. Those who can adapt and meet the world’s growing energy needs while decreasing emissions will be assured of a secure economic future.
With house prices rising and homeownership becoming increasingly impossible for many Canadians, it’s a very convenient time for the Prime Minister to suddenly announce that “it’s not his job.” The rising cost of housing in Canada has reached a crisis point. If you ask the general public who’s to blame, you get a variety of answers. In a recent survey, 40 per cent readily pointed to the federal government, 32 per cent point to the provincial government and 6 per cent blamed municipal governments. The newly minted ministers at the Liberal Cabinet Summit declared housing a top priority but offered no solutions.
Some days it feels like our country cannot survive if the Trudeau Liberals are in control for another four years, and even six more months may be too long.
After an incredibly successful summer festival season, it’s clear that Alberta is on the map as a go-to destination for entertainment experiences. Edmonton hosted the Junos earlier this year, bringing in more than $12 million in economic impact. Calgary hosted another incredibly successful Stampede in July, seeing a record turnaround, only topped by the 100th anniversary Stampede in 2012. K-Days was attended by 557,000 this year. However, it isn’t just festivals and entertainment events bringing people to our province.
Throughout human history, people at various times have said technology has been both a blessing and a curse. It has definitely made life easier; it has obsoleted old systems and led to a higher standard of living for many. But, needless to say, it has also been disruptive at times with more to follow. It also gave people in power new ways for gaining, maintaining and expanding that power.
In March 2023, the Department of Education unveiled the Career Education in Alberta report, a culmination of extensive consultations involving K-12 educators, post-secondary institutions, students in grades 7-12, and prominent industry leaders. Within this collaborative effort, a unanimous consensus emerged – the imperative for transformative change in education. It became evident that “all students need to be made aware of a breadth of career opportunities and pathways that are available to them,” extending beyond the more visibly prominent career choices.
We have witnessed heated election campaigns before, but seldom with the level of vociferous anger witnessed during our recent provincial election. Many voters are feeling betrayed by the country they love and discarded from the information highway. But when does reasonable anger end and irrational hatred begin? We witnessed both during this provincial election. Some have even related it to occurrences that appeared during WWII.
The Alberta Enterprise Group (AEG) congratulates Premier Danielle Smith and the United Conservative Party on their election victory. AEG looks forward to sharing the priorities of our members and cooperating with the Alberta government to help make Alberta a better place to live and do business. We are committed to working with Premier Smith and the UCP government on issues of concern and relevance for our members and fellow Albertans.
Once again, the Senate has bailed on Canadians and proven themselves irrelevant by not stopping Bill C-11 in its tracks. Why are they even a body? What are their roles and who sets their expectations for delivery? I thought the Senate is considered the ‘second non-partisan look’, but at this point they appear fairly irrelevant.