Net-Zero: Canada’s Vow

We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator,” said Antonio Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, in his opening remarks at the COP27 summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. I neither contest the urgency that was ignited in 2015 when the historic Paris Agreement was adopted at COP21, nor deny how this urgent matter must maintain the spotlight. It remains the demand for all leaders of economies, me included, to rise up, promote, deliver, and defend the methodologies that are most properly suited to our cultures, our resources, and our people – our globe.

The Impending Farming Crisis

Dutch farmers are fighting for their farms and their livelihood. For weeks they blockaded highways, streets, food warehouses and government buildings with tractors, trucks, hay bales and manure. The Dutch government is imposing new ‘new green’ policies that they acknowledge will put many farmers out of business. All this on the pretext of protecting the environment.

New MacEwan Business Building Will be a Win-Win for Edmonton

Get ready, Edmonton, because MacEwan means business! Having celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, the university is now planning for its future. Last year, MacEwan released Teaching Greatness, a bold strategic vision to guide the institution’s evolution and growth in the coming years. The plan includes significantly growing the university’s student body.