Alberta: redefining innovation beyond tech.


When people think of innovation, their minds often go to cutting-edge software, artificial intelligence or tech startups. While those advancements are undeniably transformative, Alberta is proving that innovation doesn’t just belong to Silicon Valley or the digital world. Instead, Alberta has positioned itself as a leader in non-traditional innovation—where creative solutions to real-world challenges drive economic growth, job creation, and community revitalization.

AEG Comment on CSDS 2 Climate-related Disclosure Standards

Engineer with flag on background series - Alberta

After extensive consultation with our members, we must convey that we are in firm disagreement with CSDS 1and CSDS 2 as they are expected to bring about increased costs and uncertainties for businesses, particularly SMEs, with limited advantages for larger corporations, investors, or consumers. We must point out that these standards also contradict the values of a free market system by influencing investor choices and directing capital flows in a manner inconsistent with free enterprise.

Open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland:

Capital Gains Tax

Each day, Canadians invest in the future of Canada, betting on our potential for growth and prosperity for all. We dedicate our time, our creativity, and our money, believing that the ultimate investment is in the growth of our country and the futures of our young people.