AEG Podcast, Ep. 9: Rethinking Retirement: Embracing a Multi-Generational Workforce

Colleen, the founder of Experience Group, shares her journey of becoming a retirement coach after struggling to find work due to ageism. Her organization helps individuals and companies manage their aging workforce and prepare for retirement beyond just financial planning. Colleen argues that the concept of retirement needs to be revamped, as people are living longer and healthier lives, and the workforce is becoming more age-diverse. She encourages companies to examine their recruiting and retirement processes, creates innovative ways to retire people while maintaining their knowledge and wisdom, and embrace the benefits of a multi-generational workforce. Colleen also highlights the dark side of retirement, including a lack of purpose and rhythm, which can lead to disappointment and uninspired retirees.

About Colleen Madsen

Colleen speaks from the heart.  She has a winning attitude that is sure to captivate, inform, inspire and entertain any audience.  In her unique, fast-paced, street-smart style, she will shatter traditional thinking about retirement and how to manage an aging workforce.  She will challenge what you do, why you do it and deliver some cutting-edge strategies on how to change what you do in order to experience greater personal and professional success.  Colleen’s glass is always way more than half-full, in fact, she exudes energy, optimism and passion in her presentations, ensuring that everyone leaves with a practical “can do” list that will change their lives, their community and maybe even the world in a meaningful way.

For over 30 years Colleen has become known for her ability to create lasting and meaningful change for her clients.  From business advisor, sales strategist and trainer to high-performance coach for the brightest and the best, she continues to learn, grow and challenge herself to become all she can be.  She is a Certified Professional Retirement Coach and a proud member of the Retirement Coaches Association.  She has spent the past several years carefully studying the history, the concept of retirement and more importantly it’s impact on individuals, their communities, the economy and the future out our country.

Colleen is the proud mother of five and grandmother of seven, whose career started in the music industry.  She is an avid writer with a litany of stories and experiences to share and has spent hundreds of hours doing just that for a myriad of audiences.