AEG Calgary Event: Members and Non-Members with Nathan Neudorf, Minister of Affordability and Utilities & Hon. Sonya Savage, former Minister of Energy, Environment and Protected Areas

Neudorf and Sonya Savage

Nathan Neudorf was sworn in as Minister of Affordability and Utilities and Vice Chair of Treasury Board on June 9, 2023. He previously served as Deputy Premier and Minister of Infrastructure.

Sonya Savage is Senior Counsel at Borden Ladner Gervais (BLG). She also sits on the Board of Directors for E3 Lithium Ltd and Reconciliation Energy Transition Inc, as well as Navigator’s Expert Panel on the Purpose of the Corporation.

AEG Post AGM Mixer for Members and Future Members: Cam Linke with Amii & Michele Evans, Assistant Deputy Minister of Prairies Economic Development

Cam Linke and Michele Evans

Post AGM Mixer for Members and Future Members: Cam Linke with Amii (Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute) and Michele Evans (Prairies Economic Development Canada)

AEG Holiday Party: Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta & Red Tape Reduction and Catherine Swift, President of The Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers & Businesses of Canada

AEG Holiday Party – Edmonton – Chateau Lacombe Hotel

Thursday, December 7th – AEG Holiday Party – Dale Nally, Minister of Service Alberta & Red Tape Reduction presents: “Updates on Red Tape Reduction” and Catherine Swift presents: “Why Eastern Canada Needs to Smarten Up and Support the West”

AEG Calgary Event: Brian Jean, Minister of Energy and Minerals & Moderator Jennele Giong with Alberta Counsel

Brian Jean was sworn in as the Minister of Energy and Minerals on June 9, 2023. He previously served as the Minister of Jobs, Economy, and Northern Development.

Jennele Giong, the Energy Lead Associate at Alberta Counsel, began her political journey by joining Minister Jean’s leadership campaign in 2017.

AEG Edmonton Member Appreciation Event – Bruno Müller and Terris Chorney

About The Event This fireside chat offers a comprehensive look at leadership, business strategy, and technological advancements. A panel of seasoned experts dives into topics ranging from succession planning and leadership qualities to the challenges posed by alternative fuels and autonomous vehicles. The discussion, enriched by motivational and philosophical insights, provides a multifaceted understanding of […]

Premier Smith – Edmonton – Château Lacombe Hotel About The Event Premier Daniel Smith addresses multiple subjects affecting Alberta, including the introduction of new technologies like nuclear energy and the challenges it faces. He discusses the importance of inter-provincial agreements for economic growth, specifically mentioning an economic corridor agreement with Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Smith also stresses the necessity of community feedback for […]

AEG Calgary Event: Rebecca Schulz, Minister of Environment & Protected Areas, presents: Ensuring a Strong, Vibrant Energy Industry, a Diverse Economy and the Innovation and Technology that’s Helping Us Reduce Emissions

About Minister Rebecca Schulz Rebecca Schulz was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Calgary-Shaw on April 16, 2019 and was re-elected on May 29, 2023. She was sworn in as Minister of Environment and Protected Areas on June 9, 2023, previously serving as Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Children’s […]

AEG Stampede Calgary Event: Nate Glubish, Minister of Technology and Innovation & CEO Rick Christiaanse with Invest Alberta

Event - AEG Stampede, Nate Glubish and Invest Alberta

Nate Glubish was re-sworn in as the Minister of Technology and Innovation on June 9, 2023. He previously served as the Minister of Service Alberta.

Rick Christiaanse is a seasoned senior executive in the corporate, public, and not-for-profit sectors, bringing decades of senior business leadership experience driving growth and negotiating major investments globally

AEG Calgary Event: Craig Senyk

Craig Senyk, keynote speaker, discussed the importance of culture in an investment firm at an event. He recounted a story of a Canadian-based firm that had a problem due to the gap between the junior and senior partners. This led to the founding partners claiming a larger share of the ownership for taking the early risk, while the younger partners felt they were bringing in most of the new business and should be rewarded accordingly. The battle for ownership had been going on for two years, with no progress.